Strengthening Accountability in Inclusive Education (SAIE) in Tanzania

This project aims to promote Community Inclusive Development, particularly for persons with disabilities, to facilitate their participation and ensure equal access to quality inclusive education and community support services by April 2025. The project anticipates achieving the following outcomes:

  • Identification and enrolment of children with disabilities into appropriate levels of schooling.
  • Enhancement of teachers' competencies in applying child-centered inclusive teaching approaches.
  • Strengthening of accountability among local government authorities in monitoring the implementation of the National Strategy for Inclusive Education (NSIE).

By the conclusion of the project, a total of 4,000 children (2,000 female, 2,000 male), encompassing both those with and without disabilities, in primary and secondary schools will benefit from the initiative across three districts: Mpwapwa, Kilosa, and Korogwe. Among these beneficiaries, 1,600 will be from urban areas, and 2,400 will be from rural areas. Additionally, out of the total 4,000 children, 500 will have disabilities, comprising 200 aged 6-14 and 300 aged 15-19 years.


TVET@Work is a 2 two-year project implemented by HakiElimu, the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), 3DBear, The Vocational Educational and Training Authority (VETA), Karume Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Centro San Viator (CSV). The project is co-funded by the European Union (EU).

TVET@Work supports the relevance and responsiveness of the VET and the accessibility of the VET teachers to continuous professional development. The project covers the thematic areas of VET teachers’ professional development, public-private partnership in VET, and key competences, especially entrepreneurship.

The project seeks to increase the employment and entrepreneurship of VET graduates. This is achieved through VET teacher training which covers the following topics: VET teachers updated competence to teach entrepreneurship skills, teachers’ active role in public-private cooperation as well as agile use of digital pedagogy and digital learning environments. The project introduces innovative approaches in participatory and digital methods. Through digital solutions we seek to benefit local communities in wider area to lessen the geographic disparities. TVET@Work addresses the strategic planning of professional development for VET staff in line with the objectives of the Vocational Education and training Authority (VETA).

We seek to increase competence of direct (teachers, teacher trainers) and indirect beneficiaries (students) in entrepreneurship, digital competences, employability, active participation in society, better understanding of interconnections between vocational education and labor market and increased opportunities for professional development.

SAUTI ZETU (Our Voices)

The Project seeks to address the lack of government accountability and transparency in implementing inclusive education policies in Tanzania. Through tripartite partnerships between CSOs, the government, and citizens, the project aims to contribute to enhanced inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all children.

The project seeks to promote transparency, responsiveness, and accountability from the government (schools, local government, MoEST, PO-RALG, and Members of Parliament) in implementing the National Strategy on Inclusive Education 2021/2022 – 2025/2026 (NSIE) to ensure effective service delivery of inclusive education in Tanzania to facilitate access and quality of learning for marginalized children.

A detailed analysis highlights challenges in citizen engagement and inclusive education, such as limited awareness, capacity, collaboration, power imbalances, and marginalization. SAUTI ZETU addresses these gaps through targeted interventions and strategic partnerships with 5 CSOs namely Child Support Tanzania, Safina Women Association, Organization for Community Development (OCODE), Mtwara non- governmental organization network (MTWANGONET), Save Education and Future Development Trust

Project Objectives:

  1. Increase citizen engagement in promoting transparency and accountability in inclusive education.
  2. Enhance CSO’s capacity to promote and monitor inclusive education policies and practices.
  3. Enhance responsiveness and accountability of government/institutions in the implementation of the National Strategy for Inclusive Education (NSIE).

Expected Outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Citizens are organized and engaging in monitoring Implementation of National Strategy for Inclusive Education (NSIE)
  • Outcome 2: Strengthened CSOs engagement and monitoring of the implementation of policies, strategies, and plans that promote inclusive education.
  • Outcome 3: Improved Government Transparency, Responsiveness and Accountability for Public participation in implementation of National Strategy for Inclusive Education (NSIE)

Accountability for Child Rights Initiative (ACRI)

This initiative aims to promote child rights and protect girls and children against various forms of violence in Tanzania. ACRI support the retention and transition of adolescent girls.

The initiative strives to ensure that girls and children have access to education, are protected both in and out of school, and participate in making decisions about their future. ACRI involve the implementation of the Good School Toolkit (GST) model in 32 primary schools which intends to improve structure and supporting systems to empower girls and children agencies in promoting child rights and violence prevention.

The specific objectives of this initiative are:

  • To advocate for Systems that promote child protection and participation.
  • To strengthen citizen movement and CSOs’ ability to address harmful cultural norms and practices
  • To improve the structure and supporting systems to empower girls and children's agencies in promoting child rights and violence prevention
  • To improve policies and guidelines that promote access, retention, and transition for adolescent

Expected Outcomes

  • Improved systems that promote access to education, child protection, and participation.
  • Strengthened citizen movement and CSO ability to advocate for child rights.
  • Improved structure and supporting systems to empower girls and children agencies in promoting child rights and violence prevention.

Improved systems, policies, procedures, and guidelines that promote access, retention, and transition for adolescent girls. 

The Good School (Shule Bora)

The Good School

HakiElimu has adopted The Good School model developed by Raising Voices in Uganda, which has proven to have a positive impact, reducing the prevalence of all forms of violence from teachers and peers toward both girls and boys.

The Good School Toolkit seeks create a nurturing learning environment through progressive learning methodology and strengthened school governance. The process is led by Good School Committees, of which teachers, students and parents are members. Parents and teachers receive training and resources on VAC, building positive relationships and positive discipline, while children will be empowered through life skills to recognise their strengths, exhibit positive class behaviour and to speak up on issues that impact their learning.

In order to scale the impact of the Good School Model, HakiElimu is also:

  • Developing an evidence base to inform advocacy: We conducting a study to fully understand the prevalence and magnitude, stakeholders’ perceptions, perpetrators, and the causes of VACiS, as well as the barriers to preventing VACiS.
  • Using Evidence Based Communication to change social norms and behaviors: We are testing different messages and communication channels to understand what is the most effective way to influence change.
  • Engaging Citizens: HakiElimu is building the capacity of its volunteers in the Friends of Education (FoE) Network on Violence Against Children (VAC) and supports FoE’s to deliver community campaigns through dialogues, local radio and theatre for development to raise awareness. As a result, we have seen increased reporting of VAC, and children suported to return to school, which action is taken by authorities against purpatrators.

Civic Education to Increase Youth Engagement in Democratic Processes in Tanzania

The overall objective of this project is to increase the active and meaningful engagement of Tanzanian youths aged 14-19 years in democratic processes in the country. Civic education is crucial in building knowledge and skills that enhance a culture of democratic participation among Tanzanian youths. HakiElimu implements this two-year project to strengthen civic education in secondary schools to stimulate knowledge and skills for active youths’ participation in democracy. HakiElimu uses evidence generated from the research it has recently published to design an innovative Action Civics School Toolkit, which will be piloted in 20 secondary schools in 6 Districts of Ukerewe, Tabora, Sumbawanga, Kilwa, Arusha and Mkuranga during the period 2022-2023.

Through evidence generated from piloted schools, HakiElimu will engage LGAs officials, Ministers and MPs to promote local and national Governments’ openness and responsiveness to youths’ agendas and strengthen CSOs and media collaboration in advocating for improved civics education. Ultimately active and meaningful participation of Tanzanian youths (50% female) aged 14-19 years in the democratic processes will increase.

Promotion of Girls Education through Education Champion Network (ECN)

In this project, HakiElimu is engaging citizens to address harmful social norms in advancing equity and quality in education using data, research and success stories to influence internal financing and policies, leading to improved livelihood among girls in Tanzania. The project target group is in-school girls aged 10-14 and 15-19 years, respectively, those at risk of child marriage and pregnancies,and those who experience gender-based violence.

The project also targets out-of-school girls aged 15-19 and 20-24 years, respectively, who wish to return to formal education, covering rural and urban geographic locations in the country. This project will reach 24,300 children (12,400 girls and 11,900 boys) with messages on girls’ rights. Of these, 4,640 children (3,680 girls and 960 boys) will be directly engaged and benefit from improved knowledge of girls’ rights and life skills, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, mentorship in entrepreneurship and career development.

Through this project, HakiElimu is also collaborating with the National Chapter of the Education Champion Network (ECN) to jointly advocate for Government to develop and implement evidence-based policies that promote inclusive, safe and quality education. Girls’ retention, transition and learning, child protection against violence in and around schools, protection from harmful practices and segregated gender norms.