Civic Education to Increase Youth Engagement in Democratic Processes in Tanzania

Civic Education to Increase Youth Engagement in Democratic Processes in Tanzania

The overall objective of this project is to increase the active and meaningful engagement of Tanzanian youths aged 14-19 years in democratic processes in the country. Civic education is crucial in building knowledge and skills that enhance a culture of democratic participation among Tanzanian youths. HakiElimu implements this two-year project to strengthen civic education in secondary schools to stimulate knowledge and skills for active youths’ participation in democracy. HakiElimu uses evidence generated from the research it has recently published to design an innovative Action Civics School Toolkit, which will be piloted in 20 secondary schools in 6 Districts of Ukerewe, Tabora, Sumbawanga, Kilwa, Arusha and Mkuranga during the period 2022-2023.

Through evidence generated from piloted schools, HakiElimu will engage LGAs officials, Ministers and MPs to promote local and national Governments’ openness and responsiveness to youths’ agendas and strengthen CSOs and media collaboration in advocating for improved civics education. Ultimately active and meaningful participation of Tanzanian youths (50% female) aged 14-19 years in the democratic processes will increase.