Strategic Focus

Citizens participation and engagement

Citizens participation and engagement

We promote citizen participation in the provision and monitoring of equitable, inclusive, and quality education.

Empowering Citizens

Lasting change must be driven by citizens at community and national level. Working through our grassroots network of more than 45325 Friends of Education (Community based organisations and individuals who volunteer their time and skills to transform education) we empower and enhance the voice and participation of all citizens (including those who are marginalized because of their gender, level of ability or income), so they can assume ownership of their development and to advance democracy.

We achieve this by; -

  • Translating complex concepts and policies into easy to understand information (e.g. Comic books)
  • Capacity building of Friends of Education, providing them with the knowledge and tools.
  • Creating platforms for Friends of Education to participate in dialogue and decision-making structures at local and national level.

Citizens Transforming Education

Friends of Education monitor school performance to identify local education challenges and raise awareness of these challenges through Theatre for Development, local radio talk shows and imaginative public dialogues. The Friends of Education use these platforms to promote creative local solutions to effect social change that will improve education.

The Friends of Education, with support from HakiElimu are:

  • Strengthening school committees and child protection committees.
  • Leading dialogue with parents and teachers on VAC and girls’ rights.
  • Mobilizing community support and funds for school infrastructure development and feeding programmes.
  • Identifying and supporting girls at risk of dropout.
  • Forming and supporting school-based gender clubs – building their capacity in life skills, leadership and SRHR, including how to make reusable sanitary products.

Citizen Engagement has contributed to:

  1. Increased reporting of VAC cases: a number of children have been rescued from child marriage and supported to return to school or transferred from unsafe environments.
  2. Increased school attendance among girls and boys: This is due to improved access to sanitary products and school feeding programmes.
  3. Improved school performance of girls (due to improving attendance (in some schools, girls are in the top 10 learners for first time ever).
  4. Reducing stigma around menstruation issues.
  5. Men and boys are speaking up for girls’ rights Improved learning environments (latrines and wash facilities, class rooms for pre-primary).